Fifth Grade Adventures

Fifth graders work toward the Arrow of Light rank.  The Arrow of Light rank is earned by completing six required adventures and two elective adventures. 

Required Adventures

Elective Adventures

Wearing the Uniform

Your child should wear their uniform appropriately.  The shirt should always be tucked in and orderly. They should understand the importance of representing the entire Boy Scout Organization while in uniform.. Scouts enjoy wearing their Webelos uniform. They should wear it to den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities. Adults can follow the Pack’s regular adult uniforming guidelines.

The Webelos Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:

Official uniform pants, shorts, or skorts, and Cub Scout socks are optional.  Use of these items for Webelos is decided by the individual family.  If not using official uniform pants/shorts, then the Scout is expected to wear solid-color blue jeans with no holes or patches.


In general, every Cub Scout should wear their uniform to all Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the den or pack. When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, our Pack may opt to have the Cub Scouts wear an alternate uniform, such as our activity shirt. These are sometimes referred to as "Activity" Uniforms.  

Pack leaders should provide advance notice of any occasion when the children should wear anything other than the complete uniform. Any time you are uncertain about uniform regulations, ask the den leader for guidance.

Here are some tips for wearing the uniform:

No patches go to the Lion T-shirt. Any patches for activities, they are called ‘temporary’ patches. These patches can be displayed on a red Cub Scout vest, wall display, or kept in a shoebox.